White/Black:Cube/Noise/Box (off-site)
Media Installation. Oil Tank Scraps, CRT-Monitor, Petrolium, Video-Loop (60 min.) DVD-Player, Sound Interventions. 2024.

Collaboration with Samuel Nerl
Exhibited at Super Tokonoma, Kassel, 2024.
Photos: Young Kyun Kim

White/Black:Cube/Noise/Box (on-site)
Media Installation. Oil Tank, CRT-Monitor, VHS-Player, 2-Channel Sound Installation (120:00 min, loop). 2023.
Collaboration with Samuel Nerl.

As early as 1976, Brian O'Doherty pointed out the parallels between galleries and medieval churches. Nerl and Weitzel turn this Catholic idea around and interpret the paradigm of "site-specificity" in the sense of a Calvinist church. In the oil tank of the "common man", the symbolism of the art world is reproduced with simple means in the form of complementary opposites: White Cube and Black Box, Black Cube and White Box, as well as the white noise of the television, which is interrupted by interventions of the noise of an oil heater.

Photo: Kai Frommann.


Tan Bone


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